Hank Blumfarb

June 11, 2024
Clinical Social Work/Therapist, LCSW

I have been in clinical practice since 1979. I have taught and published in the field and have appeared on radio and television.

I have a solid foundation in the various psychoanalytic depth psychologies and psycho-neuro-biological perspectives. I have been integrating Buddhist and Yoga psychologies and practices for the last twenty years.

One of the outcomes of my personal and professional journey is the development of my center: SELF~CARE MATTERS: CREATING SPACE for POSSIBILITIES. My aim is to assist individuals to recognize and appreciate the EXTRAORDINARY in the ORDINARY in meeting the challenges in their daily lives. The journey involves developing and maintaining the capacity to continually improve one's functioning in the various Self~Care domains (body, mind & spirit).

Rebecca Burch

June 3, 2024

Rebecca Burch received her Ph.D. at SUNY Albany in Evolution and Human Behavior. Her main research interests are the evolution of sexual behavior, sexual cues, intimate partner violence, and cultural differences and similarities in a variety of human behaviors, including sex, parenting, play, and gender. She also studies depictions of bodies (and hypersexualization) in various cultural products, like comic books. She has taught at SUNY Oswego for over 20 years and is currently the President of the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society and Co-Chair of the Feminist Evolutionary Perspectives Society.

Stephen H. Blackwell

April 12, 2024

Stephen H. Blackwell has taught Russian literature and language at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville since 1995. He has published many articles on Nabokov, as well as monographs on The Gift  and on the influence of the sciences on Nabokov’s art. His upcoming book, Nabokov’s Secret Trees, will be published this summer. With Johnson, he co-edited Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov’s Scientific Art. He is also a past president of the International Vladimir Nabokov Society and, as time allows, a fine-art photographer.

Ken Teixeira

March 8, 2024

Ken Teixeira began practicing Buddhism in the late 1970's and pursued studies primarily in the Zen schools.. After his career in computer software design wound down around the turn of the century, he began hosting the meditation community, Clear Bell Meditation (www.clearbellmeditation.org). He speaks at Unitarian-Universalist churches, Secular Humanist groups and Buddhist groups in southeastern Florida. Ken became host of Clear Bell in 2015 after the departure of its founder, the Ven. Bupsahng Monk Chaplain. Mr. Teixeira and the Ven. Chaplain founded and built the Indian River Zendo in Jensen Beach, Florida in 2015.

Ken continues with his interest in reconciling the Buddha's precocious discoveries with the findings of modern science. His first book, Buddhism in Simple English reduces the complexities of historic religious Buddhism to modern everyday terms and offers an easily-understood practice. His upcoming book draws from the work of evolutionary biologist Edward O. Wilson. It details the biological basis of human conflict and offers a path for extracting us from the myriad global conflicts in which we become embroiled.

Above all, however, Ken wishes, for every human being on the planet, peace and liberation from their slave-driving Selves.

Edgar Dubourg

February 27, 2024

Edgar Dubourg is doing his PhD in cognitive science at the Département d’études cognitives of the Ecole normale supérieure (ENS-PSL). He is interested in how cognitive adaptations and adaptive sources of variability impact both the universality and the variability of preferences for fictional stories.

Blair Gross

January 31, 2024

Affiliations: Randolph College | Associate Professor of Psychology | Chair, Department of Psychological Science Head, Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Brief Bio: Blair is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Randolph College. Her research interests broadly include embodied cognition, with a special interest in how social baseline theory applies to cognitive, behavioral, and visual processes.

Graham Boyd

January 23, 2024

Graham Boyd applies the expertise gathered across three careers (as a particle physicist, manager with Procter and Gamble, and serial startup founder) to bring a new vision of a regenerative global economy to reality. He founded Evolutesix, an ergodic finance holding company and ergodic strategy business ecosystem builder; and wrote The Ergodic Investor and Entrepreneur as well as Rebuild: the Economy, Leadership, and You, so that everyone can benefit from the solutions he's developed to create net positive businesses. Read more here: https://graham-boyd.biz/

Tristan Claridge

January 16, 2024

Tristan Claridge has been researching and applying social capital for over 20 years. He is the Director of the Institute for Social Capital and the current President of the International Social Capital Association. Tristan is a geographer and environmental scientist with a passion for social processes and how social value is identified and communicated. Tristan has a deep and grounded understanding of social capital and its application, having worked on the concept from theoretical and practical perspectives. He draws on lessons from economics, sociology, political science, psychology, urban planning, and any other discipline that contributes understanding to the concept. In addition to his practical work with the concept, Tristan has been an active contributor to the academic debate about social capital. He has written over 200 open-access articles on social capital and related topics and is actively engaged in ongoing research.

Barbara Oakley

January 16, 2024

Barbara Oakley is a Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. Her work focuses on the complex relationship between neuroscience and social behavior. She created and teaches Coursera’s “Learning How to Learn,” one of the world’s most popular massive open online course with over three million registered students, along with other popular “Top Online Courses of All Time.”  Barb is a New York Times best-selling author who has published in outlets as varied as the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times—her book A Mind for Numbers has sold over a million copies worldwide. She is the winner of the McGraw Prize—the colloquial “Nobel Prize for Education” and is a Fellow of both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.

Richard Coates

August 8, 2023

Richard works in healthcare, regeneration and community co-creation near Reading in the UK.

He has a background as a Neuropsychologist working with clients with severe brain injuries and their families and is a skilled and creative Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training Practitioner.

Richard facilitates ProSocial in his local community, building trust and effective groups over the long-term. He also facilitates sessions with various health and environmental organizations in one-off sessions or on an ongoing basis.

Richard is very passionate about ProSocial. Connecting, learning and creating is what really matters to him.

Yukie Kurumiya

July 7, 2023

Yukie is a contextual behavior analyst, educator/coach, consultant, and researcher who is passionate about promoting and disseminating prosociality within and across selves and groups at various levels through the lens of contextual behavioral science, evolutionary science, and the science of behavior analysis. She believes that creating psychological and behavioral flexibility at the individual, group, and cultural levels will foster a nurturing environment that prevents various social issues our world faces. Therefore, her practice and research are rooted in Behavior Analysis, Relational Frame Theory, Prosocial work, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training, emphasizing cultural diversity and sensitivity.

Yukie is interested in exploring the multitude of selves within an individual and organization, understanding how they develop collective and individualistic cultures within themselves and the group through dynamic contingencies, and finding ways for these selves to coexist harmoniously.

Born and raised in Japan and educated and living in the U.S., Yukie provides training, education, and consultations for individuals and groups of students, professionals, and organizations in both countries in Japanese and English, focusing on the areas mentioned above. She holds the position of Advanced Research Project Instructor at Graduate and Professional Studies at the Chicago School and the President and CEO of ACT Prosocial Design as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral level and International Behavior analyst. Additionally, she is one of the core trainers in the Leading Prosocial and Experience Prosocial programs and the lead moderator for the ACBS professionals listserv.

Denise Hearn

April 5, 2023

Denise Hearn is a writer, advisor, and project catalyzer who works with investors, policy makers, and organizations who want to use their power to support a living and equitable future. Currently, Hearn serves as a Senior Fellow at the American Economic Liberties Project and co-lead of the Access to Markets initiative. Hearn also serves as Board Chair of The Predistribution Initiative which aims to improve investment structures and practices to address systemic risks like inequality, biodiversity loss, and climate change. Denise co-authored The Myth of Capitalism: Monopolies and the Death of Competition with Jonathan Tepper — named one of the Financial Times’ Best Books of 2018. Her writing has been featured in publications such as: The Financial Times, The Globe and Mail, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Responsible Investor, and The Washington Post. Hearn currently authors the Embodied Economics newsletter.

Joe Carson

March 21, 2023

Joe Carson, PE is a deeply concerned licensed professional engineer (PE), federal agency employee, Christian, American and crew member of planet earth.  His 40+ year career in the engineering profession has involved nuclear technology - for war, power, and other technology.  He served as an officer an nuclear submarines, was a start-up test engineer at three commercial nuclear power plants, and has been a nuclear safety engineer in the Department of Energy (DOE) for over 30 years.

Brother Phap Linh

March 15, 2023

Brother Phap Linh was ordained as a monk in Plum Village in February 2008. Before becoming a monk, he studied at Cambridge then worked as a composer, a chef and a math tutor in London. As a layperson, he frequently attended retreats in Plum Village. Meeting Thich Nhat Hanh for the first time in 1999, he began to see that mindfulness practice could present a real way out of the current situation of suffering for humanity. Becoming a monk eventually presented itself as the most powerful way to actively and positively engage with the suffering as we collectively face, including climate change, economic instability, and war. Helping to provide a place of refuge for people to come and learn about mindfulness and living in the community are now his principal sources of joy.

Leticia Avilés

March 7, 2023

Leticia Avilés is full professor at the Department of Zoology and the Biodiversity Research Centre at the University of British Columbia (UBC), in Vancouver, Canada. With an emphasis on group-living arthropods, her research seeks to elucidate the forces responsible for the origin of higher levels of organization and the consequences of such origins on the structure and dynamics of populations. She earned her PhD at Harvard University and was a post-doctoral fellow and then assistant and associate professor at the University of Arizona (UofA) before joining UBC in 2002. Work in her lab uses both empirical and theoretical approaches to explore the drivers and selective forces involved in the formation of social groups. She has published over 80 papers and book chapters and trained graduate and undergrad students and post docs at three institutions (UBC, UofA, and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, in Quito, where she initiated her training as a biologist). She has received funding from NSF, NSERC, and the James S. MacDonnell Foundation and is a recipient of the American Society of Naturalists Young Investigator Award, a fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Berlin and of the Animal Behaviour Society. She will be joining the board of the American Naturalist as the Natural History Editor in March 2023.

Jody Hoffer Gittell

March 7, 2023

Jody Hoffer Gittell is Professor at Brandeis University's Heller School, Faculty Director of the Relational Coordination Collaborative, and Co-Founder and Board Member of Relational Coordination Analytics. To understand how diverse stakeholders achieve their desired outcomes in coordination with each other, Gittell developed Relational Coordination Theory, proposing that highly interdependent work is most effectively coordinated through relationships of shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect, supported by frequent, timely, accurate, problem-solving communication. The Relational Model of Organizational Change shows how stakeholders can design structural, relational and work process interventions to support more effective coordination of their work. Gittell is currently exploring the relational dynamics of multi-stakeholder change in organizations and ecosystems around the world.Dr. Gittell currently serves as treasurer for Seacoast NAACP, on the board of trustees for Greater Seacoast Community Health, on the editorial board of Academy of Management Review, on the leadership team of the Organization Development and Change Division of the Academy of Management, Academic Fellow at MIT Center for Information Systems Research, chair of the Brandeis University Faculty Senate, and on the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine Committee on Integrating the Human Sciences to Scale Societal Responses to Environmental Change. She received her BA from Reed College, and her PhD from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Omer Gokcumen

March 7, 2023

Omer Gokcumen is an associate professor in the Biological Sciences Department at
University at Buffalo. His research focuses on evolutionary and anthropological
genomics — studying how humans evolved and how they differ from nonhuman
primates and mammals. He received his B.S. in Molecular Biology and Genetics from
Bogazici University in Istanbul in 2002. He then earned her Ph.D. in anthropology at the
University of Pennslyvania in 2008. After a 5-year postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard
Medical School, Gokcumen started his laboratory in Buffalo. Gokcumen and his team
have published over 75 articles on several areas of human and mammalian evolutionary
genomics. His research has been recognized by several awards and featured in several
popular outlets, including NYT, BBC, Guardian, Scientific American, New Scientist, and

Susan Soleil

March 3, 2023

Susan is the staff liaison in the partnership between two global nonprofits: Charter for Compassion and ProSocial World. She is working to integrate the tools, networks, and best practices of both organizations. She enjoys being able to meet people from all around the world without leaving her home office in Utah, USA. She brings 30 years of working with nonprofits to this unique job, along with her passion for compassion and collaboration.

Mandi Goodsett

February 28, 2023

Mandi Goodsett is the Performing Arts & Humanities Librarian, as well as the Copyright & OER Advisor, at Cleveland State University.

Nick Jordan

February 21, 2023

Nick Jordan is Professor of Agronomy & Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, where he conducts research on agricultural ecology. His teaching is focused on experiential learning and action education in agricultural systems, aiming to help students address complex challenges and opportunities in agriculture and its interconnections with society. He co-directs the Forever Green Initiative (https://forevergreen.umn.edu). The Initiative is developing and commercializing a set of new crops that advance the continuous living cover of farmland with crops that produce marketable commodities. The Initiative integrates and leverages collaborations and networks, built over decades, that span public, private and NGO sectors, with a shared goal of scaling continuous-living-cover agriculture.

Nele Strynckx

February 21, 2023

Nele Strynckx has a Master's degree in communication sciences from the Ghent University, Belgium. She has a particular interest in applying evolutionary theoretical insights to the domain of the humanities. Nele regularly writes essays for the Flemish Humanist Association. She is currently a teacher of social sciences, philosophy and research skills at the Athenaeum Ypres. In her courses she teaches Critical Thinking and introduces insights from the research area of Mental Immunity. She’s researching the effects of mind inoculation on the students through small-scale experiments. Nele is convinced that education plays a crucial role in strengthening the mental defenses of young people against the ever-increasing stream of misleading information. She would like to contribute in putting the science of Mental Immunity into practice.

Cecile Green

February 21, 2023

Cecile Green is a visionary, social entrepreneur, experiential philosopher, and homesteader with a passion for creating an ecology of practices for shared power that works in many different contexts so that we can collectively navigate the meta-crises to a healthy world. As an integral scholar-practitioner and lifelong learner, she holds a B.S. in Community Supported Agricultural Systems and has over three decades of experience in entrepreneurial environments.

She has participated in nearly a dozen organizational launches and built from the ground up four successful businesses. As the innovator of Collab, a rapid culture change tool kit for effective power sharing, she has researched and experimented with questions of human social power, systems of decision-making, and efficient operations in both academic and applied contexts, and is the author of the book “Collaboration that Works: A Ruthlessly Practical Handbook for a Generative World,” a training manual which summarizes her research and introduces these tools for practical application in organizations.

Cecile was raised in Istanbul Turkey for 10 years as a child where she learned French in an embassy school and spent hours exploring ancient ruins and the waters of the Aegean. In her spare time, she enjoys the wilds of Vermont, ecstatic dancing, and building beautiful homes and gardens.

Kate Sheehan Roach

February 16, 2023

Kate is an interfaith, interspiritual, interdisciplinary writer, editor, and community builder. She began her editorial career in the academic press and now enjoys working with leading-edge spiritual writers from all traditions and non- traditions, especially those with mystical or contemplative depth. She serves on several boards, including the United Religions Initiative and Contemplative Outreach.

Maarten Boudry

February 13, 2023

Maarten Boudry is a philosopher of science and current holder of the Etienne Vermeersch Chair of Critical Thinking at Ghent University. Apart from numerous papers in academic journals, he published six popular books in Dutch, among which one is on beneficial misbeliefs. He also gave a TEDx talk on the same topic.

Sage Gibbons

February 9, 2023

Sage Gibbons works as both Scientific Researcher and Strategic Technology Manager at ProSocial World. He applies participatory action research methods and cultural evolutionary science to facilitate community partners in becoming more cooperative, adaptive, and successful in their aims. He is also dedicated to the development of open, interoperable, and prosocial technology.He has recently completed his Masters of Science in Urban Informatics at Northeastern University where he studied the city of Boston as a complex adaptive system as a researcher with the Boston Area Research Initiative. Connect with Sage at sage.gibbons@prosocial.world

Stephan Lewandowsky

January 19, 2023

Stephan Lewandowsky is one of the world’s leading cognitive immunologists. He conducts research at the University of Bristol and has published more than 200 scholarly articles and books, including The Debunking Handbook, The COVID-19 Communication Handbook, and The Conspiracy Thinking Handbook. He explores people’s responses to misinformation and propaganda. Why do people reject well-established scientific facts? Is our online information ecosystem conducive to democracy? Professor Lewandowsky has received multiple awards for his research.

Steven P. Gilbert

January 10, 2023

Steve Gilbert received an M.S. in Experimental Psychology from Northeastern University and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. He is Board Certified in Counseling Psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. In the past, Steve has served as President of the Minnesota Psychological Association and chair of the MPA Ethics Committee. As an administrator and clinician in university counseling centers, he focused on emerging adulthood—a developmental period in which personal values and beliefs are explored and tested.

Barry Mauer

December 14, 2022

Barry Mauer, Ph.D., is on the cutting edge of research into cognitive immunity and the threats posed to it by the intersection of illiberal forces and electronic media. Barry is the author of Deadly Delusions: Right-Wing Death Cult and “The Cognitive Immune System: The Mind’s Ability to Dispel Pathological Beliefs.” Barry collaborated on the DARPA-funded project, “Deep Agent: A Framework for Information Spread and Evolution in Social Networks.” Barry teaches symposiums on cognitive immunity including “The Age of Mass Delusion,” “Why Are People Fooled?” and “Propaganda and Pseudoscience.”


Sander van der Linden

December 12, 2022

Sander van der Linden, Ph.D., is Professor of Social Psychology in Society and Director of the Cambridge Social Decision-Making Lab in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge. His research looks at how people process (mis)information, how it spreads in online networks, and how we can most effectively prebunk and inoculate people against false information. He leads national consensus reports on the psychology of misinformation and serves on the World Health Organization's (WHO) infodemic working group. He has won numerous awards for his research on human judgment, communication, and decision-making, including the Rising Star Award from the Association for Psychological Science (APS). He co-developed the award-winning fake news game, Bad News, which has been played by millions of people around the world and he regularly advises governments, public health authorities, and social media companies on how to combat the spread of misinformation. He is ranked among the top 1% of highly cited social scientists worldwide and has published over 150 research papers. He frequently appears on international TV and radio and his work is regularly featured in outlets such as the New York Times, Rolling Stone, NPR, and the BBC. He has been described by WIRED magazine as one of “15 top thinkers” and by Fast Company Design as one “four heroes who are defending digital democracy online”. Before joining Cambridge, he held academic positions at Princeton, Yale, and the LSE. He is the author of FOOLPROOF: Why Misinformation Infects Our Minds and How to Build Immunity (WW Norton/HarperCollins, 2023).

Josh Compton

December 12, 2022

Josh Compton is Professor of Speech at Dartmouth College and Chair of the Speech at Dartmouth Steering Committee. He has been studying inoculation as a way to confer resistance to influence for more than 20 years. Persuasion inoculation is modeled after medical inoculation: a weakened form of a challenge motivates resistance to stronger challenges encountered later. Most of his work of late focuses on the theory itself—how it works, why it works, and whether it might work better. His applied work is mostly in mis- and disinformation, science communication, health communication, and sport. His scholarship appears in Communication Monographs, Communication Theory, Annals of the International Communication Association, Human Communication Research, Journal of Communication, Frontiers in Psychology, PLOS ONE, and other academic journals. He authored the inoculation theory chapter in The Sage Handbook of Persuasion (Sage) and co-authored the inoculation theory chapter in Persuasion and Communication in Sport, Physical Activity, and Exercise (Taylor Francis). Josh has been an invited expert for the Department of Defense’s Strategic Multilayer Assessment program (USA) and NATO’s and USSOCOM’s Joint Senior Psychological Operations Conference and is a member of the Global Experts on Debunking of Misinformation group. He has been named Distinguished Lecturer by Dartmouth College and has won the Outstanding Professor Award from the National Speakers Association and has twice won the L. E. Norton Award for Outstanding Scholarship.

Conor McCloskey

September 22, 2022

Conor McCloskey is a writer and a postgraduate researcher in the School of Psychology at University College Dublin. His research focuses on rule-governed behavior and how rules can contribute to rigid behavior patterns. His writing focuses on scientific communication and affairs within higher education.

Jordan Kiper

September 20, 2022

Jordan Kiper is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a specialist in cultural anthropology and the anthropology of human rights, religion, and conflict. His research centers on religious systems, religion and violence, conflict and transitional justice, and the effects of propaganda and hate speech.

Beth Hawkins

September 10, 2022
ProSocial World Director of Research

I have 15+ years of experience being a thoughtful and culturally aware social science researcher conducting mixed methods, participatory action research. First with the University of Tennessee, then with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and for the last decade a research and education non-profit in East Tennessee. My research has primarily been focused on issues and policies that impact public health and well-being, and social equity. In 2022, I resigned from the non-profit to embark on a spiritual journey, to do some soul-searching, which led me to ProSocial World 6 months later. With the help of the universe, I now find myself part of this beautiful ProSocial Spirituality team. I am the Director of Research at ProSocial World that has the dreamy job of researching love, compassion, resilience, cooperation and collaboration!

Ian MacGregor-Fors

June 22, 2022

Ian MacGregor-Fors is Professor of Urban Biodiversity and Ecosystems at the University of Helsinki. His passion for birds since adolescence lead him to study Biology at the University of Guadalajara (Mexico). After receiving a Ph.D. with honors at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), he has focused his research on the response of wildlife communities to human disturbances (mainly in towns and cities) and the ecology and distribution of invasive bird species. He has authored or co-authored over 120 publications in scientific journals, as well as several books and book chapters, and diverse popular science pieces. As of 2012, he is part of the Advisory Board of the International Network Urban Biodiversity & Design (URBIO), seeking to promote the implementation of the United Nations ‘Convention on Biological Diversity’ (CBD) in urban areas. He is Associate Editor for Ecology, Ecological Monographs, Journal of Urban Ecology, Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, and Birds. He is confident that the use of evidence-based knowledge considering the physical, ecological, and social dimensions of urban systems can result in the development of biodiverse, resilient, and healthy cities, for which willingness of all implied stakeholders is keystone.

Ed Gibney

June 7, 2022

Ed Gibney is a writer and philosopher. His first novel, Draining the Swamp, explores political philosophy through a bureaucratic fable, and his next book imagines the impact of life extension technologies on society. He blogs at evphil.com.

Caiphas Brews Soyapi

May 18, 2022

I am a researcher based at the North-West University (NWU), South Africa (SA). My experience involves teaching, postgraduate supervision, and a brief stint in legal practice. I am educated in matters involving international trade and African environmental law. My research interests currently focus primarily on environmental constitutionalism within Africa. Within this space, I broadly explore rights-based environmental protection, the place of international environmental law principles in African courts, and African judicial environmentalism. You can find my research here.

Exmond E. DeCruz

April 14, 2022

I am an academic with a Ph.D. in molecular oncology who once worked as a capital investment strategy advisor and head of R&D for several multinational corporations in Australia and Southeast Asia. I then joined the Crawford School of Public Policy and Australian National Institute of Public Policy at the Australian National University (ANU) developing executive education for senior public service executives in the Australian Government and the governments of countries throughout the Asia-Pacific, US, Middle-East, Central Asia, and Africa. I am presently working as a consultant subject matter specialist with the Canberra Hospital and the University of Canberra. Having been introduced to Prosocial by Dr. Robert Styles, I have been working with him in developing practical applications of Prosocial approaches towards public sector governance and management since 2012.

Robert Styles

April 14, 2022

I initially trained in music and then, in a later chapter of my life, went on to become an academic doing applied research in the field of Contextual Behavioural Science through the Australian National University. Over the last couple of decades, this stream of activity has had me working with communities, organisations, and governments across the Australian, Pacific, African, Asian, European, and American regions. Presently, I am working with ProSocial World, an organisation that has developed a change method based on behavioural and evolutionary sciences that enhances cooperation and collaboration for groups of all types and sizes that is effective at multiple scales. When engaged, for me, this means co-designing behavioural and evolutionary approaches to realising environmental and socio-cultural resilience and wellbeing for those I am working with.

Subhashini Krishnan

April 8, 2022

Subhashini Krishnan is a nature-based educator from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She is interested in community ecology, evolution, and political ecology. She is also keen to improve herself as a science communicator.

Sutirtha Lahiri

April 8, 2022

Sutirtha Lahiri is a Ph.D. student in Conservation Science and an Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change (ICGC) scholar at the University of Minnesota, USA. Sutirtha is interested in grassland ecosystems, avian diversity, and habitat governance. He is also a writer and writes on travel, natural history, and conservation.

Emmanuel Nuesiri

March 28, 2022

Dr. Emmanuel Nuesiri is the Program Lead of the Social Science Degree Program at the African Leadership University (ALU) Mauritius, where he teaches modules in African Studies, Feminist Economics, and Environmental Politics. He holds a Ph.D. from St. Antony's College at the University of Oxford, UK. He has been a research scholar at the Pan-African Institute for Development Buea, Cameroon; Cornell University, USA; University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA; and the University of Potsdam, Germany. He has also been a research associate with the Center for African Studies (CAS) at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, a resource person at the Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit (CPSU) London, and with the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UN-ECA) Addis Ababa. Emmanuel is presently the Chair of the Natural Resource Governance Framework (NRGF), a global governance assessment and correspondence instrument being developed by the Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP) of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). His co-authored publication "Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands" has been translated into Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, French, and Russian. His edited book Global Forest Governance and Climate Change is the first of its kind to examine the relationship between participation, representation, and decentralization in rights-based conservation. Emmanuel's academic interests span the history of colonialism in Africa, rights-based natural resource governance, global economic development, and the social science of climate change.

Christopher M. Weible

March 21, 2022

Christopher M. Weible is a Professor at the School of Public Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver. He co-founded and co-directs the Center for Policy and Democracy. He has authored and co-authored over 100 articles and book chapters and four books on policymaking and politics. Chris is the co-editor of Theories of the Policy Processes and Methods of the Policy Process. He served as the former editor of the Policy Studies Journal and currently serves as co-editor of Policy & Politics.

Dina Lupin

March 21, 2022

Dina Lupin is a legal theorist working in feminist, queer, and decolonial philosophy. In her current research, she examines the ways in which Indigenous communities are subjected to practices of silencing and epistemic injustice in consultation processes, and in the ways in which these communities resist and subvert oppressive practices. Dina is a researcher in the Philosophy Department at the University of Vienna and she is the Director of the Global Network for Human Rights and the Environment (gnhre.org).

Prakash Kashwan

February 17, 2022

Prakash Kashwan is an Associate Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of the Research Program on Economic and Social Rights, Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs. He is the author of the widely reviewed book Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico (Oxford University Press, 2017), Editor of Climate Justice in India (Cambridge University Press, July 2022), Co-Editor of the journal Environmental Politics, and the Co-founder of Climate Justice Network. Dr. Kashwan is also the vice-chair of the Environmental Studies Section of the International Studies Association (ISA) and serves on the editorial advisory boards of Earth Systems Governance, Progress in Development Studies, Sage Open, and Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. His public-facing writings have appeared in popular venues, such as The Conversation, The Guardian, Al-Jazeera, and The Washington Post.

Adriana Romero-Olivares

February 17, 2022

Dr. Romero-Olivares is a soil microbiologist who works at the intersection of ecosystem ecology and evolution with an emphasis on fungi. She is interested in understanding how fungi respond and adapt to environmental stress. Her overall research goal is to better understand and plan for ecosystem-scale effects of global climate change. Dr. Romero-Olivares is originally from Mexico and received her Ph.D. from the University of California Irvine in the USA where she investigated the effects of global warming on the soil fungal communities of boreal forests in Alaska. She did a postdoc at the University of New Hampshire in the USA where she was a Diversity & Innovation Scholar studying fungal traits and emission of volatile organic compounds in soils experiencing long-term simulated warming and nitrogen pollution at Harvard Forest. Dr. Romero-Olivares is now an Assistant Professor at New Mexico State University in the USA in the Department of Biology. Her lab explores fungi in natural ecosystems, their traits, and how they respond and adapt to global climate change. Dr. Romero-Olivares is passionate about feminism, intersectionality, social justice, and equity in general, and more specifically in STEM.

Rebecca Huntley

February 11, 2022

Dr. Rebecca Huntley is one of Australians foremost researchers on social trends. She holds degrees in law and film studies and a Ph.D. in Gender Studies. For nearly 9 years Rebecca was the Director of The Mind & Mood Report, Australia's longest-running social trends report. She has led research at Essential Media and Vox Populi, part of the CIRCA research group, before starting her own research and consultancy business. She works closely with The Sunrise Movement on the Climate Compass Project as well as with many other climate and environment NGOs.

She is the author of numerous books including How to Talk About Climate Change in a Way that Makes a Difference (Murdoch books, 2020), Still Lucky: why you should feel optimistic about Australia and its people (Penguin 2017), and Australia Fair: Listen to the Nation, the first Quarterly Essay for 2019. She has delivered The John Button Oration (2012) at the Melbourne Writers’ Festival and the MSSI Oration at the University of Melbourne (2019). Rebecca writes occasionally for The Guardian and co-presented the Guardian’s podcast Common Ground with Lenore Taylor in 2017. Rebecca was a broadcaster with the ABC’s RN and presented The History Listen and Drive on a Friday. In addition to books, Rebecca has written extensively for essay collections, magazines, newspapers, and online publications. She was a feature writer for Australian Vogue and a columnist for BRW and ABC Life.

Rebecca co-hosts with Sarah Macdonald a comedy storytelling night and podcast called The Full Catastrophe. The Full Catastrophe is also a book (Hardie Grant, May 2019). Rebecca has researched the social and political dimensions of food and cooking throughout her career and has published on these topics in books and articles. She has written and presented two episodes of RN’s Future Tense, on climate change and food, and aging and food. She presented at MAD Syd in 2017 with Rene Redzepi and David Chang. She is on the Advisory Group of MAD Sydney. She wrote a children’s book, Nonna’s Gnocchi celebrating the job of grandparents cooking with their children. She is on the board of The Bell Shakespeare Company and on the Executive Board of the NSW branch of the ALP. She is the Chair of the Advisory Board of Australian Parents for Climate Action. She has held board positions on The Whitlam Institute and The Dusseldorp Forum. She was an adjunct senior lecturer at the School of Social Sciences at The University of New South Wales. She is a registered Commonwealth marriage celebrant. She is the mother of three girls and lives in Sydney.

Shubhobroto Ghosh

February 1, 2022

Shubhobroto Ghosh is a former journalist with The Telegraph newspaper whose work has also been published in The Statesman, Times of India, New York Times, The Hindu, Montreal Serai, BBC, Sanctuary Asia, Saevus, Down To Earth, SciWri Club, Science Reporter, and Nature India online. He is the former coordinator of the Indian Zoo Inquiry project sponsored by Zoocheck Canada and has attended the Principles and Practice Training course at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in 1999. He did his Masters thesis on British zoos at the University of Westminster in 2004. He has worked at the Wildlife Trust of India, TRAFFIC India, and is currently Wildlife Projects Manager in India for World Animal Protection in India. He has contributed to several books, including The Jane Effect, a biographical tribute to Jane Goodall by Marc Bekoff and Dale Peterson, Thirty-Three Ways To Look At An Elephant, edited by Dale Paterson, and an environmental biography of the ex-Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi: A Life In Nature by Jairam Ramesh. He is the author of the book, Dreaming In Calcutta and Channel Islands published in 2015. In 2020, he was formally commended for his coverage of Cosmos, the world’s most popular science series in various forms of the media by the producer of Cosmos, and wife of Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan.


Alison A. Elgart

January 21, 2022

Alison A. Elgart is a Full Professor of Anthropology and Chair of the Department of Social Sciences at Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers. She received a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Binghamton in 1992 and a Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University in 2000. Her interests focus on dental anthropology of humans and non-human primates, feeding ecology of non-human primates, and the biological relationships of Pre-Columbian Floridian populations.

The Editors

January 19, 2022

Jess Auerbach

January 14, 2022

Jess Auerbach is currently Associate Professor of Anthropology at North-West University, and from May 2022 will be at the University of Cape Town (both in South Africa). She holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Stanford and is the author of two books From Water to Wine: becoming middle class in Angola and Archive of Kindness: stories of everyday heroism in the South African pandemic. She can be contacted by email at: jess@jahaj.net.za

Richard Falk

January 13, 2022

Richard Falk is Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University, Chair of Global Law, Faculty of Law, at Queen Mary University London, Research Associate the Orfalea Center of Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Fellow of the Tellus Institute. Falk is currently acting as interim Director of the Centre of Climate Crime and Justice at Queen Mary. He directs the project on Global Climate Change, Human Security, and Democracy at UCSB and formerly served as director the North American group in the World Order Models Project. Between 2008 and 2014, Falk served as UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Occupied Palestine. His book, (Re)Imagining Humane Global Governance (2014), proposes a value-oriented assessment of world order and future trends. His most recent books are Power Shift (2016); Revisiting the Vietnam War (2017); On Nuclear Weapons: Denuclearization, Demilitarization and Disarmament (2019); and On Public Imagination: A Political & Ethical Imperative, ed. with Victor Faessel & Michael Curtin (2019). He is the author or coauthor of other books, including Religion and Humane Global Governance (2001), Explorations at the Edge of Time (1993), Revolutionaries and Functionaries (1988), The Promise of World Order (1988), Indefensible Weapons (1983), A Study of Future Worlds (1975), and This Endangered Planet (1972). His memoir, Public Intellectual: The Life of a Citizen Pilgrim was published March 2021. He has been nominated annually for the Nobel Peace Prize since 2021.

A.C. Grayling

December 14, 2021

A.C. Grayling, CBE MA DPhil (Oxon) FRSA FRSL is the Founder and Principal of New College of the Humanities at Northeastern University, and its Professor of Philosophy. He is also a Supernumerary Fellow of St Anne's College, Oxford. He is the author of over thirty books of philosophy, biography, history of ideas, and essays. He was for a number of years a columnist on The Guardian, The Times, and Prospect magazine. He has contributed to many leading newspapers in the UK, US, and Australia, and to BBC radios 4, 3, and the World Service, for which he did the annual 'Exchanges at the Frontier' series; and he has often appeared on television. He has twice been a judge on the Booker Prize, in 2014 serving as the Chair of the judging panel. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, a Vice President of Humanists UK, Patron of the Defence Humanists, Honorary Associate of the Secular Society, and a Patron of Dignity in Dying.


Will Steffen

December 2, 2021

Will Steffen is an Earth System scientist. He is an Emeritus Professor at the Australian National University (ANU); Canberra, a Senior Fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden; and a member of the Anthropocene Working Group. From 1998 to mid-2004, Steffen was Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, based in Stockholm. His research interests span a broad range within Earth System science, with an emphasis on sustainability and climate change.

James Dyke

November 15, 2021

Dr. James Dyke is an Earth system scientist, writer, and author. He is an Assistant Director of the Global Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Fellow of the European Geosciences Union, and serves on the editorial board of the journal Earth System Dynamics. He writes a regular environmental column for UK newspaper i, and has written over 50 articles for international publications that includes The Ecologist, The Guardian, The Independent and The Conversation. His book Fire Storm and Flood: the violence of climate change was published in 2021 by Bloomsbury imprint Head of Zeus. James is a regular contributor to UK and international media that includes BBC radio and TV.

Website: www.jamesgdyke.info

Twitter: @JamesGDyke

Nicholas R. Jordan

October 4, 2021

Nicholas R. Jordan is Professor of Agronomy and Plant Genetics at the University of Minnesota. His research program in agricultural ecology addresses the use of biological diversity to improve the bundle of goods and services that agriculture provides to society. He is particularly interested in models for implementing diversified agriculture at watershed and landscape scales, and for building public-private partnerships that can overcome barriers to diversification in agriculture.

Angelo Romano

September 27, 2021

Angelo Romano is a postdoc of Leiden University. He got his Ph.D. at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and University of Turin, and spent two years as a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn. Angelo Romano is interested in understanding the cross-societal variation of conflict and cooperation between and within groups. His work combines theory and methods from social psychology, evolutionary biology, and experimental economics.

Rachel L. Kendal

September 8, 2021

Rachel Kendal is a Professor of Anthropology at Durham University in the UK. She completed a BSc in Behavioural Science at Nottingham University in 1998, then went on to receive my Ph.D. in Zoology from Cambridge University in 2003. Following a career break, she began a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship in 2006, based in the Centre for Social Learning and Cognitive Evolution at St. Andrews University. She continued this fellowship at Durham University in the Department of Anthropology before becoming an Assistant Professor in 2012, Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in 2014, Associate Professor (Reader) in 2017, and Professor in 2020.

Dr. Kendal is an interdisciplinary researcher with overlapping interests in cultural evolution, animal behavior, and primatology. Her focus is on cultural transmission, specifically social learning and behavioral innovation in a range of species from fish to monkeys to humans with a view to understanding the evolution of human culture.

Laurent Alt

May 11, 2021

Laurent Alt, Ph.D., is an alumnus of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France and an Associate Director at Boston Consulting Group. He started his career as a software developer and has a long career in leadership positions at world-leading software vendors like Dassault Systèmes and Lectra, as well as start-ups. Since 2017, he has advised Fortune 500 companies in their transformation towards Agile at scale, with a focus on leadership behaviors and culture change. He is also passionate about leveraging evidence-based approaches such as Contextual Behavioral Science to create sustainable cultural change and speaking at conferences about this topic.

Daniel J. Kruger

April 19, 2021

Daniel Kruger is a researcher in the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan. He applies evolutionary principles to advance the understanding of a wide range of areas in human psychology and behavior. Much of his work is founded on Life History Theory, which provides a powerful framework for understanding individual variation and adaptation to developmental conditions. Dr. Kruger conducts both basic research to advance theory as well as applied projects to promote human well-being and sustainability. He is involved in several community-university research collaborations to promote the understanding of and improve social and health conditions. His work has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Housing and Urban Development, Michigan Department of Community Health, and local foundations and agencies. He has written nearly two hundred articles and book chapters in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. He is a co-author of the book Graphing Jane Austen: The Evolutionary Basis for Literary Meaning (2012). See his website here: www-personal.umich.edu/~kruger

Josiah Ober

March 8, 2021

Josiah Ober, Mitsotakis Professor in the School of Humanities and Science, Stanford University, works on historical institutionalism and political theory, focusing on democratic theory and the contemporary relevance of the political thought and practice of the ancient Greek world. He is the author of Demopolis: Democracy before Liberalism (2017), The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece (2015), and other books, mostly published by Princeton University Press, including Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens (1989), Political Dissent in Democratic Athens (2008), and Democracy and Knowledge (2008). He has also published about 100 articles and chapters, including recent articles in American Political Science Review, Philosophical Studies, Polis, Public Choice, Critical Review, and Transactions of the American Philological Association. Work in progress includes books on instrumental rationality in classical Greek thought and the role of civic bargains in the emergence and persistence of democratic government.

Helen Camakaris

March 5, 2021

Helen gained her Ph.D. in 1975 and worked as a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Melbourne, Australia. She studied the regulation of gene expression in bacteria and archaebacteria, which aligned with her interest in evolution. She retired in 2008 to pursue her interest in the nexus between evolutionary psychology, sustainability, and climate change, and has been studying and publishing articles in this area for the past ten years. Her articles have appeared in Meanjin Quarterly, The Conversation, Cosmos Magazine, New Internationalist, and Kosmos Magazine, and can be found online under Notes on her Facebook Page.

LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/helencamakaris

Twitter: @helenmcama

Facebook Page: ‘The Climate Conundrum, with Helen Camakaris’ at https://www.facebook.com/h.camakaris/

Joseph Henrich

January 26, 2021

Joseph Henrich is Professor and Chair of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. His research focuses on evolutionary approaches to psychology, decision-making, and culture, and includes topics related to cultural learning, cultural evolution, culture-gene coevolution, human sociality, prestige, leadership, large-scale cooperation, religion and the emergence of complex human institutions. Methodologically, he integrates ethnographic tools from anthropology with experimental techniques drawn from psychology and economics. His area interests include Amazonia, Chile, and Fiji. He has written more than a hundred articles for the peer-reviewed scientific literature and his popular press books include Why Humans Cooperate (2007) and The Secret of Our Success (2016). His latest book is The WEIRDest People in the World: How Westerners Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous (2020).

Renée Duckworth

January 5, 2021

Renée Duckworth is an Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. Her work focuses on understanding how behavior evolves and how it influences population dynamics that ultimately shape macroevolutionary processes. Her work has been featured in National Geographic, Science Podcast, New Scientist, BioScience, Aeon, and The Scientist among others. She is currently Associate Editor of The American Naturalist.

Dennis Snower

December 30, 2020

Dennis J. Snower is President of the Global Solutions Initiative, which provides policy advice to the G20. He is Professor of Macroeconomics and Sustainability at the Hertie School of Governance, Berlin; Fellow at The New Institute, Hamburg; Senior Research Fellow of the Blavatnik School of Governance, Oxford University; Non-resident Fellow of The Brookings Institution and visiting Professor at University College, London. He is President-Emeritus of the Kiel Institue for the World Economy.

Michael Dougher

December 22, 2020

Dr. Michael Dougher is currently Emeritus Professor of Psychology and former Vice President for Research, at the University of New Mexico, where he started his academic career in 1980. He received his bachelor’s degree from UCLA in 1974, and his Ph.D. in clinical and experimental psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1980. Dr. Dougher played an important role in the development of the now rapidly growing field of clinical behavior analysis. He conducted basic laboratory research on stimulus equivalence, relational responding, and the transformation of functions in an attempt to identify and articulate the complex verbal process that underlies the development and treatment of clinical problems. Dr. Dougher is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI), and the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. He is a member of the Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and has served as Associate Editor of the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and Editor of The Behavior Analyst. He served as Experimental Representative to the ABAI Council, President of Division 25 of the American Psychological Association, and President of ABAI.

Jean-Louis Monestès

December 21, 2020

Jean-Louis Monestès, Ph.D., is a full Professor of clinical psychology at Grenoble Alpes University, France, and a clinical psychologist. He worked in different psychiatric hospitals for 15 years before taking his actual position. He has been exploring the use of evolutionary principles in psychology for 20 years. Jean-Louis Monestès published several chapters on evolutionary processes in clinical psychology with Steven Hayes and David Sloan Wilson, as well as several articles and books on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and its theoretical background Relational Frame Theory (RFT). He is a clinical supervisor for ACT/RTF and leads the Clinical Psychology and Cognitive Processes research team in his university lab.

Dermot Barnes-Holmes

December 17, 2020

Dermot Barnes-Holmes is a Professor of Psychology at Ulster University, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, UK. He previously held professorial chairs at Maynooth University in Ireland and Ghent University in Belgium. He is known internationally for developing relational frame theory (RFT) as a behavior-analytic account of human language and cognition. He has published 100s of research articles, book chapters, and books related to RFT, and behaviour analysis in general, and has been involved in attracting over 3.5 million euro in research funding since 2000.

Louise L. Hayes

December 17, 2020

Louise Hayes is a clinical psychologist, author, speaker, and active humanitarian. She is the Past President of ACBS, and a peer-reviewed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training (ACT) trainer. Together with Joseph Ciarrochi, she developed DNA-v, which is a developmental model of acceptance and commitment therapy and positive psychology. She is the co-author of the best-selling book, Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life for Teenagers: A Guide to Living an Extraordinary Life; and the practitioner book, The Thriving Adolescent: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Positive Psychology to Help Teens Manage Emotions, Achieve Goals, and Build Connection. She has a new book for teenagers that will be released in 2020, Your Life Your Way. Louise is also an active clinician, working with adults and adolescents in private practice. She was a Senior Fellow with The University of Melbourne and Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, and also led a research and treatment program to work with disruptive behaviours in primary school children. Louise is an active humanitarian, taking mental health professionals into the Himalayas to develop their mindfulness skills and raise funds for poor children in remote Nepal. For more information on Louise go to – www.louishayes.com.au.

Lynn E. O’Connor

December 17, 2020

Lynn E. O’Connor, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus at the Wright Institute, Berkeley, California, a practicing clinical psychologist, and Director of the Emotion, Personality, and Research Group (EPARG, url: http://eparg.org/). Since 1990, Dr. O’Connor and Dr. Jack Berry, Co-Directors of EPARG, have collaborated on studies of altruism, empathy-based guilt, positive motivation, meditation practices, LGBTQ issues, personality, productivity, and psychological problems from an evolutionary and cross-cultural perspective. She most recently was featured in a chapter on “The Evolution of Kindness” in TIME The Power of Kindness.

Eva Jablonka

December 15, 2020

Eva Jablonka is a professor (now retired) in the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel-Aviv, a member of the Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel-Aviv, and a Research Associate in the CPNSS (LSE, London University). She has an M.Sc. in Microbiology and a Ph.D. in Genetics. Her main interests are the understanding of evolution, especially evolution that is driven by non-genetic hereditary variations, and the evolution of nervous systems and consciousness. Among her book: Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolution (OUP with Marion Lamb), Animal Traditions (CUP with Eytan Avital), Evolution in 4 Dimensions (MIT with Marion Lamb), The evolution of the Sensitive Soul (MIT with Simona Ginsburg), and Inheritance Systems and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (CUP, with Marion Lamb).

J.W. Stoelhorst

December 15, 2020

J.W. Stoelhorst is Professor of Strategy and Organization at the Amsterdam Business School, University of Amsterdam. His research interests are the evolutionary foundations of social science theory, in general, and the application of evolutionary theory to management and organization, in particular. His work has been published in, among others, the Academy of Management Review, Business & Society, California Management Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Management Studies, and Strategic Management Journal.

Paul Atkins

December 9, 2020
ProSocial World Cofounder & Vice President

Paul Atkins is a researcher, speaker, and facilitator trainer. He is a Visiting Associate Professor with the Crawford School of Public Policy (Australian National University). His research has focused on interventions to reduce stress while enhancing relationships, wellbeing, perspective-taking, and cooperation in groups and organizations.  Paul is a registered organizational psychologist with a Ph.D. in Psychology from Cambridge University. He is the lead author of the recently published book Prosocial: Using Evolutionary Science to Build Productive, Equitable, and Collaborative Groups and co-founder and Vice President of Prosocial World, a not for profit organization focused on enhancing cooperation and trust in purpose-driven groups globally. The Prosocial process has been used to help improve group effectiveness in contexts as diverse as slowing the spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone, enhancing performance in Australian government agencies, and improving cooperation in public schools.

Douglas A. Marshall

December 8, 2020

Douglas A. Marshall is Professor of Sociology and Director of Honors Education at the University of South Alabama. His research interests orbit the intersections of Sociological Theory, Social Psychology, and Evolutionary/Biological Sociology, especially as they apply to Religion, Rationality, and Epistemology. His probably overambitious attempt to capture and synthesize the depth and breadth of evolutionary/biological sociology into one overstuffed review chapter has just been published in The Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory (Peter Kivisto, ed.)

Terrence W. Deacon

December 8, 2020

Professor Terrence W. Deacon has held faculty positions at Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, Boston University, and currently the University of California, Berkeley. His laboratory research has combined human evolutionary biology and neuroscience, with a focus on the evolution of human language. This work extends from cellular-molecular neurobiology and cross-species fetal neural transplantation to the study of semiotic processes underlying animal and human communication. These topics are explored in his 1997 book, The Symbolic Species: The Coevolution of Language and the Brain. Currently, his theoretical interests have focused on the problem of explaining emergent phenomena, in such unprecedented transitions as the origin of life, the evolution of language, and the generation of conscious experience by brains. His 2012 book, Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter, explores how the interrelationships between thermodynamic, self-organizing, evolutionary, and semiotic processes are implicated in the production of these emergent transitions.

Alan Kirman

November 18, 2020

Alan Kirman is professor emeritus of Economics at the University of Aix-Marseille III and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and is a member of the Institut Universitaire de France. His Ph.D. is from Princeton and he has been a professor of economics at Johns Hopkins University, the Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Warwick University, and the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.

Ulrich Witt

November 18, 2020

Ulrich Witt is professor emeritus of economics and past director of the Evolutionary Economics Research Group at the former Max Planck Institute of Economics in Jena, Germany, see his website www.evoecon.mpg.de. He has published extensively on evolutionary economics and has taught graduate and PhD. courses on evolutionary economics since more than 20 years.

Lisi Krall

November 18, 2020

Lisi Krall is a Professor of Economics at the State University of New York at Cortland. She has published extensively in the areas of political economy, human ecology, and the evolution of economic systems. She is currently completing a book manuscript: The Great Divide: A Meditation on the Order of Economic Life and the War Between Economy and Earth. Her previous book, Proving Up: Domesticating Land in US History, explores the interconnections of economy, culture, and land. A Fulbright Scholar, SUNY Senior Scholar, and Chancellor’s Award recipient, she has collaborated with the Evolution Institute, the Foundation for Deep Ecology, the Post Carbon Institute, the Population Institute, and the International Forum on Globalization. She is presently collaborating with The Land Institute in its Ecosphere Studies and New Perennials Project initiatives and is a board member of ISEE.

Andreas Duus Pape

November 18, 2020

Andreas Duus Pape is an Associate Professor of Economics at Binghamton University (SUNY), and the Associate Director of the Collective Dynamics of Complex Systems Research Group (CoCo) and a member of the executive committee for Evolutionary Studies (EvoS). He studies individual choice from the perspective of decision theory, psychology, and agent-based modeling, and also seeks to use agent-based modeling to probe questions of cooperation problems. He writes and performs music under the name The Lion in Tweed. His social media presence is: @dr_duus on Twitter and facebook.com/apape on Facebook.

Blair Fix

November 18, 2020

Blair Fix is a political economist based in Toronto. His first book, Rethinking Economic Growth Theory From a Biophysical Perspective, was published in 2015.

David Bollier

November 18, 2020

David Bollier is an American activist, scholar, and blogger who is focused on the commons as a new paradigm for re-imagining economics, politics, and culture. He pursues this work as Director of the Reinventing the Commons Program at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics [www.centerforneweconomics.org] (Massachusetts, US), and as co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group, [www.commonsstrategies.org] an international advocacy project.

Bollier has co-organized pioneering international conferences and strategy workshops on the commons and consults regularly with diverse activists and policy experts in the US and Europe. His blog, Bollier.org, is a widely read source of news about the commons, and his book Think Like a Commoner: A Short Introduction to the Life of the Commons [www.thinklikeacommoner.com] (2014), has been translated into six languages. He and co-author Silke Helfrich published Free, Fair and Alive: The Insurgent Power of the Commons in September 2019. Spanish and German editions have been published, and French and Greek translations are underway.

Bollier is an editor or author of many other books on the commons, including Patterns of Commoning (2015) [www.patternsofcommoning.org] and The Wealth of the Commons (2012), [www.wealthofthecommons.org] both with co-editor Silke Helfrich; Green Governance (2013), co-authored with the late Professor Burns Weston; and Viral Spiral (2009), Brand-Name Bullies (2005), and Silent Theft (2002).

In 2012, Bollier received the Bosch Berlin Prize in Public Policy from the American Academy in Berlin for his work on the commons. He co-founded the Washington, D.C. advocacy group Public Knowledge in the early 2000s; collaborated with television writer/producer Norman Lear for twenty-five years on political and public affairs projects; and worked with Ralph Nader in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Bollier lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.

David Hirshleifer

November 18, 2020

David Hirshleifer is Merage Chair and Distinguished Professor of Finance at the Merage School of Business, University of California-Irvine. He is a Fellow and former president of the American Finance Association. He currently serves as co-editor of the Journal of Financial Economics, and has served as Executive Editor of the Review of Financial Studies, director of the American and Western Finance Associations, and co-editor and associate editor at leading finance, economics, and business journals. In his Presidential Address to the American Finance Association, he argues for an emerging paradigm, social economics, and finance, which studies how biases in the social transmission of ideas, information, and behavior affect markets and asset prices. His research interests include behavioral economics and finance, and other topics in the investments and corporate finance fields. His papers have won various research awards, including the Smith Breeden Award for outstanding paper in the Journal of Finance. He has been keynote or plenary speaker at many conferences internationally. He was previously on the faculties of UCLA, University of Michigan, and Ohio State University, and he received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. In his ample spare time, he composes classical music and sight-reads on the piano.

Website: https://sites.uci.edu/dhirshle/
Twitter: @4misceldah
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-hirshleifer-aa2b9024/

Donald Cox

November 18, 2020

Donald Cox is Professor of Economics at Boston College. His current research focuses on intergenerational transfers of money and time, in both developing and developed countries. His latest paper deals with the evolutionary origins of paternal care. His research and teaching incorporate ideas from biology, psychology, and anthropology into economic models. He has published widely on these issues and presented his work at numerous conferences and seminars. Before joining Boston College in 1987, he served as an Assistant Professor at Washington University for six years and as an economist at Stanford University's Hoover Institution for two years. He also spent two years as an economist with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Professor Cox has also served as a consultant for The World Bank and a study section member at the National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Cox received his B.S. from Boston College and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Brown University.

Website: https://www.bc.edu/content/bc-web/schools/mcas/departments/economics/people/faculty-directory/donald-cox.html

Email: donald.cox@bc.edu

Richard Devine

November 2, 2020

Richard Devine earned a Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Minnesota. His interest in evolution and behavior led to developing a course proposal for “Environment and Communication: Signs, Signals, and Symbols.” In teaching this course at Clark University he emphasized how humans and other animals interpret their environments through active environmental searches for signs to locate habitat, food, safety, and cooperation with other animals as well as attention to signals of changes. Humans, though, differ from other species in the use of symbols which importantly require ever expanding interpretations depending on context and previous experience. After teaching for five years at St. John’s University and Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, he came to Boston State College in 1974 on a national fellowship of the Institute for Educational Leadership. With the aid of special educators he administered an educational television series to aid teachers to implement the first year of “mainstreaming,” now termed “inclusion,” which had been mandated by the Massachusetts legislature to begin that year. Over 1,000 students enrolled for graduate credit at 56 closed circuit viewing sites, primarily teachers but also some parents of children with special learning needs.

Lukas Szrot

October 26, 2020

Lukas Szrot, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Bemidji State University, where he teaches courses in gender, statistics, theory, social stratification, social movements and change, as well as religion and politics. He is particularly interested in theory, religion, culture, environmental attitudes, and modeling social change. Szrot is currently working on, or has worked on, articles related to pragmatism and social theory, religion and environmental concern in the U.S., the social psychology of belief, environmental ethics, sustainable food systems, and science education. He recently completed a full monograph, Faiths in Green, on the relationship between religion and environmental change across generations in the U.S., which is under review with Lexington Books.

Stuart Libman, MD

October 20, 2020

Stuart Libman, M.D. is a Board Certified Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist, with further sub-specialization in Sports Psychiatry. After graduating from Ohio University and the School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, he completed training in Pediatrics, General Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Libman serves as a Peer Reviewed ACT Trainer for the Association of Contextual Behavioral Science, as a Prosocial Facilitator, and as the Medical Director of the PLEA School Based Partial Hospital, a program in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that provides behavior analytically based education and treatment to a referred population of children and youth with diagnoses on the Autistic Spectrum. He also has experience providing executive coaching and organizational consultation in school districts, law firms, hospitals, business corporations, universities and sports teams. In addition, Dr. Libman has presented at such conferences as the Annual Meeting(s) of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Applied Behavior Analysis International, the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, and the International Precision Teaching Conference, on topics ranging from a Developmental Framework for Adult Participation in Youth Sports, to a Psychiatric Perspective on ABA as Precision Teaching and ACT, to ACT and Prosocial Workshops for audiences in these as well as various other professional settings.

Mark J. Van Ryzin

September 15, 2020

Dr. Mark J. Van Ryzin is a Research Scientist at the Oregon Research Institute and faculty member in the College of Education at the University of Oregon. Dr. Van Ryzin has a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Minnesota and has conducted research with middle and high schools for more than 15 years. In that time, he has published a substantial number of scientific research articles in peer-reviewed journals on topics such as school climate, bullying and victimization, adolescent substance use, delinquent and prosocial behavior, academic engagement and achievement, stress and mental health, and teacher-to-student and student-to-student relationships (see here). He has also published several books on prevention science that emphasize family and peer processes. He brings a unique blend of scientific theory and evidence-based practices combined with the insight provided by his many years of experience working with teachers and students in a variety of K-12 settings, as well as his work with diverse college students in his classrooms at the University of Oregon. His mother and best friend are both teachers, and their experiences have strongly influenced his work over the years.

Andrew Atkinson

September 14, 2020

Andrew is an independent researcher within the Social Cognition Unit at the University of Bialystok. Before that, he was an Honorary Researcher at the University of Bristol where he completed a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science and Evolutionary Religious Studies under the supervision of Samir Okasha. His current research interests still include evolutionary approaches to religion, but also on the relationship between autism, agential cognition, religiosity, and ritual behavior. He is not interested in writing about himself in the third person.


Rebecca Koomen

September 9, 2020

Rebecca Koomen is an evolutionary and comparative psychologist researching social dilemmas and delay of gratification, with particular focus on common-pool resource (CPR) dilemmas. She studies CPR and other social dilemmas experimentally from comparative, developmental, and cross-cultural methodological perspectives. Rebecca is also interested in applied methods for redesigning policy and social group characteristics to reduce resource use or increase sustainable behaviours in the real world.

Hailing originally from a small town in upstate New York, Rebecca is a citizen of the US, Canada, and the Netherlands. She completed a BSc in psychology and zoology at the University of Toronto, Canada. She then pursued conservation work with children in Tanzania, working the TZ branch of the Jane Goodall Foundation's Roots & Shoots programme. Following this, she completed a MSc in comparative & evolutionary psychology from the University of St Andrews, UK. Rebecca then earned a PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology's comparative & developmental psychology department in Leipzig, Germany, followed by a postdoc in the same lab. Following this postdoc, Rebecca worked as a senior behavioural scientist at The Behaviouralist, a London-based behavioural science firm, where she specialised in testing applied behavioural solutions for reducing impact from resource use behaviours. Rebecca then returned to academic research at the University of Dundee as a Lecturer in the psychology department.

Marion Blute

September 4, 2020

Marion Blute is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Toronto. Her research interest is in theory, in particular evolutionary epistemology, generalized Darwinism or multi-process selection theory. The basic principle is that all knowledge acquiring and utilizing processes are selection processes. These include (gene-based) evolution by natural selection, (neural-based) individual learning by reinforcement and punishment, and (social-learning based) sociocultural evolution by sociocultural selection. She is also interested in how these processes interact including gene-culture and culture-gene coevolution and has particular interests in the philosophy and sociology of science/scholarship and genders. She is a member of the editorial board of several journals and past member of the executive of several societies. Her monograph on Darwinian Sociocultural Evolution: Solutions to Dilemmas in Cultural and Social Theory was published by Cambridge University Press in 2010.

Alexandra Maryanski

August 31, 2020

Alexandra Maryanski is research professor of the Graduate Division at the University of California, Riverside and Emerita Professor of Sociology. She was trained in anthropology and primatology with advanced degrees in interdisciplinary social science and social network analysis. She has authored or co-authored seven books among them On the Origins of Societies by Natural Selection, The Emergence and Evolution of Religion by Means of Natural Selection, and Émile Durkheim and the Birth of the Gods along with many dozens of research articles. She has been at the forefront of two intellectual movements in sociology: contemporary evolutionary sociology and neurosociology. Her primary scholarly interests revolve around bringing data on primates, biological methods and models, network analysis, and neurology to the social sciences.

Erin M. Evans

August 21, 2020

Erin M. Evans is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at San Diego Mesa College. Her work focuses on social movement and the pros/cons of institutionalizing movement demands, and it can be found in publications like Sociological Perspectives, Social Movement Studies, Society & Animals, and various edited volumes.

Michael Hammond

August 13, 2020

Michael Hammond is a professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Toronto. He is a founding member of the Section on Evolution, Biology, and Society of the American Sociological Association. His publications cover the social history of scientific communities studying evolution in Britain and France, the recasting of classic sociologists such as Emile Durkheim in terms of modern evolutionary theory, and the social evolution of religion and inequality. His most recent work focuses on the impact of our evolutionary heritage on modern high tech economies. E-mail: michael.hammond@utoronto.ca

Steven Hitlin

August 7, 2020

Steven Hitlin is professor of Sociology & Criminology at the University of Iowa. His research focuses on social psychology, self and identity, morality, values, agency and the life course. He is the author of Moral Selves, Evil Selves: The Social Psychology of Conscience (2008, Palgrave), co-author of Unequal Foundations: In (equality, Morality and Emotions across Cultures (Oxford, 2018) and the lead co-editor of the Handbook of the Sociology of Morality (Vol. 1, 2010; Vol 2, in development).

Seth Abrutyn

July 31, 2020

Seth Abrutyn is an associate professor of sociology at the University of British Columbia. His research interests include sociological theory, mental health and suicide, social psychology and emotions, and evolution. His work can be read in American Sociological Review, Sociological Theory, and the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, among other journals.

Chad L. Smith

July 28, 2020

Chad L. Smith is Professor and Chair in the Department of Sociology at Texas State University. He teaches environmental sociology and is involved in the university’s Sustainability Studies program.

Smith’s research focuses on the environment, the military, and social inequality with specific interest in the treadmill of destruction. His prior publications appear in American Sociological Review, Journal of World-System Research, Human Ecology Review, and Armed Forces & Society.

Greg Hooks

July 28, 2020

Gregory Hooks is Professor of Sociology at Mcmaster University. His research examines spatial inequality, militarism, environmental sociology and sociology of development. He edited The Sociology of Development Handbook (University of California Press) and is past-chair of the Sociology of Development Section (American Sociological Association). He serves on the editorial board of the Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society and is co-editor of a special issue on riskscapes (forthcoming). He has published widely, with articles appearing in American Sociological Review, American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, and Social Problems.

Michael Ryan Lengefeld

July 24, 2020

Michael Ryan Lengefeld is Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Sociology at Goucher College. His focus on social justice guides his research and work with community organizations, such as the Food Recovery Network and the Goucher Prison Education Project. Professor Lengefeld teaches courses in Sociology and Environmental Studies, with a focus on social and environmental transformation. His research examines the intersection of political ecology and war, with emphasis on the ways in which the developing tension between war and society has transformed the global ecology.

Dr. Lengefeld’s comparative-historical work on the environmental consequences of Cold War nuclear weapons production and the U.S. War on Drugs in Latin America is published in the Journal of World-Systems Research, Human Ecology Review, and Armed Forces and Society.

Josh Pollock

July 24, 2020

Josh Pollock is an assistant professor of sociology at Kent State University. He also is a co-director of the Electrophysiological Neuroscience Laboratory (ENLok) at Kent State University. His research interests include electroencephalography (EEG), social neuroscience, team performance, virtual reality, threat and fear. His current projects focus on dyadic neural synchronization in a variety of challenging situations and incorporating virtual reality paradigms as a way to further simulate threatening real-world encounters.

Will Kalkhoff

July 24, 2020

Will Kalkhoff is a professor of sociology at Kent State University. He is executive director of the Electrophysiological Neuroscience Laboratory of Kent and an executive committee member of the Brain Health Research Institute. He is also past chair of the Evolution, Biology, and Society Section of the American Sociological Association. His research interests include neurosociology and social psychology. Current projects focus on the neurodynamics of social cohesion, group processes in challenging task environments, and the neurosociology of human interaction in digital and virtual environments.

Richard T. Serpe

July 24, 2020

Richard T. Serpe is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at Kent State University.

He is a sociological social psychologist who has been working in the area of identity theory for the past forty years. His recent research further contextualizes identity processes in terms of differential placement within the social structure. This research focuses on specifying proximal social structure, defining counter-normative identities, and exploring the relationships between identity processes and self-relevant outcomes, e.g., self- esteem, efficacy, anxiety, depression, and emotions. He is a survey researcher and has conducted or directed over 270 research projects funded by private foundations, public and private organizations, local, state, and federal agencies.