Eight Criticisms Not to Make about Group Selection: Public Forum

Wednesday, May 15 at 12pm ET
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Public Forum and discussion on Group Selection- all are welcome to join this free online event

Join us for an engaging discussion forum organized by ProSocial World’s Multilevel Selection (MLS) Initiative, as we revisit the groundbreaking commentary "Eight Criticisms Not to Make About Group Selection" by Omar Tonsi Eldakar and David Sloan Wilson. Published in Evolution in 2011, this commentary challenged common misconceptions surrounding group selection and shed light on why the topic remains a point of confusion among experts.

Since then, significant strides have been made in the acceptance of group selection, particularly evident in a 2015 survey of evolutionary anthropologists. However, the academic literature still grapples with misconceptions, and textbooks lag behind in accurately describing group selection as an extension of natural selection crucial for understanding prosocial behavior evolution.

To accelerate this understanding, ProSocial World has launched the MLS Initiative, aiming to catalyze the acceptance, study, and application of MLS theory across various disciplines. As part of this initiative, our discussion forum will assess the progress made since Eldakar and Wilson's publication, inviting panel members with diverse perspectives to map productive zones of disagreement and agreement.

During the 90-minute session, panel members will offer brief assessments, followed by an interactive Q&A session with audience members, including experts in the field. Whether you're well-versed in MLS theory or a newcomer, this forum promises to be a valuable learning experience.

The public forum will take place this upcoming Wednesday, May 15th, at 12 PM EST, and the Zoom link can be accessed here: https://prosocial-world.zoom.us/j/81207247800.

Featured Speakers:

David Sloan Wilson

Joan Roughgarden

Anne B. Clark

Elliot Sober

Omar Tonsi Eldakar

Conner Philson

Mitchell Distin