Prosocial Commons Book Club: Two Plays with Evolutionary Themes (The Hard Problem by Tom Stoppard and The How and the Why by Sarah Treem)

Wednesday November 1, 8, and 15 at 12p ET

ProSocial Commons

Weekly book club for two plays with evolutionary themes: The Hard Problem by Tom Stoppard and The How and the Why by Sarah Treem.

Modern evolutionary science is beginning to stimulate the imaginations of artists of all genres. Stoppard, one of the most influential playwrights of our time, explores the nature of altruism and free will and offers a critique of reductionist science. Treem, a celebrated TV writer-producer as well as a playwright, explores the workings of science, its impact on the personal lives of women scientists, and the theme of female reproductive biology. The two plays raise fascinating questions about the relationship between evolutionary science and the arts. In the interest of exploring such questions, the Book Club will provide discussion participants with a few supplementary materials.

Kathleen Hart will moderate three discussions in November, Wednesdays at 12 noon EDT:

Wednesday November 1 at noon: Sarah Treem, The How and The Why.

Wednesday November 8 at noon: Tom Stoppard, The Hard Problem.

Wednesday November 15 at noon: How do the plays complement each other; what are their similarities and differences? What can they tell us about developing a culture of caring and accountability?

Discussions officially conclude after 60 minutes; however, the moderator will remain for an additional 30 minutes for anyone wanting to continue the conversation.

Click here to purchase The How and the Why by Sarah Treem

Click here to purchase The Hard Problem by Tom Stoppard

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