The editors of TVOL are pleased to present EVOLUTION:101, a series of tutorials for viewers who are newly encountering the evolutionary perspective. In this tutorial, David Sloan Wilson explains how the elements of religion can be studied in the same way that evolutionists study biological traits, and how evolutionists who initially disagreed are reaching a consensus.


For more, visit the RELIGION section of This View of Life and resources such as these:

Website: Evolution of Religion
Academic Journal: Religion, Brain and Behavior,
Book: The Faith Instinct: How Religion Evolved and Why It Endures by Nicholas Wade
Recent academic article: Atran, S., Henrich, J. (2010) The Evolution of Religion: How cognitive by-products, adaptive learning heuristics, ritual displays, and group competition generate deep commitments to prosocial religions. Biological Theory: Integrating Development, Evolution, and Cognition.