The Evolution Institute (EI) has joined five other behavioral science organizations to advance society’s use of behavioral science knowledge and methods. In addition to the EI, the coalition includes the Association for Behavioral Analysis International (ABAI), Association for Contextual Behavior Science, the Association for Positive Behavior Support, the National Prevention Science Coalition, and the Society of Behavioral Medicine. For nearly a year, our associations have been working together to develop a joint position statement that outlines our guiding principles. All of the problems that we face as societies are, at base, problems of human behavior. We are confident that the knowledge behavioral scientists have accumulated about human behavior, coupled with the scientific methods we have evolved, can enable our societies to achieve unprecedented advances in human wellbeing. The coalition’s joint statement is directly relevant to EI's mission "to provide science-based solutions for today' most pressing social issues in order to improve quality of life". We share our joint statement and our commitment to collaborate in areas of significance to communities around the world, including current EI projects such as the Education Initiative in East Tampa, the Norway Project, ProSocial World, and others. We also look forward to working with the coalition to create content for This View of Life Magazine.

Read the Coalition's statement [HERE].