General Comments: The paper carefully examines the composition of the ProSocial framework and how it works. It provides a useful exploration of its practical implications through case studies and quantitative data analysis that substantiate the framework’s potential to enable healthy adaptation and cooperation in various organizational contexts. 


  1. Interdisciplinary Approach: The paper effectively integrates concepts from evolutionary theory, governance studies, and behavioural science to provide a holistic perspective on cooperation and adaptation. This interdisciplinary approach enhances the depth and breadth of the discussion. 
  1. Practical Application: The case studies and quantitative data analysis strengthen the paper's practical relevance. By demonstrating the ProSocial framework's real-world impact, the authors effectively illustrate its potential for fostering positive change in organizational settings.
  1. Clarity and Organization: The paper is well-structured, with clear headings and logical flow. Each section builds upon the previous one, leading the reader from theory to practical implementation.
  1. Engagement with Existing Literature: Meaningfully building on existing literature, particularly the work of Ostrom and Contextual Behavioural Science, situates the ProSocial framework within the broader scholarly discourse and establishes the strength of the foundations it is built upon.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Discussion of Limitations: The paper could benefit from a more explicit discussion of the ProSocial framework’s limitations. Acknowledging challenges experienced and areas for improvement would enhance the paper's credibility and balance.
  1. Ethical Considerations: The paper briefly mentions the importance of equity and inclusion but could expand on the ethical dimensions of implementing the ProSocial framework. Addressing questions of power dynamics, diversity, and social justice would provide a more nuanced understanding of its implications. 
  1. Integration of Indigenous Wisdom: The paper mentions the potential for learning from indigenous traditions but does not elaborate on how this knowledge could be integrated into the ProSocial framework. Pointing to concrete examples or future possibilities would strengthen this aspect of the discussion.
  1. Future Directions: The paper could benefit from a discussion of future directions and areas for further research and innovation. Identifying emerging challenges and opportunities would help guide the continued development and refinement of the framework.

Conclusion: Overall, the paper provides a valuable contribution to the literature on collaboration, governance, and cultural evolution. Its interdisciplinary approach, practical focus, and engagement with existing scholarship make it a compelling read for researchers and practitioners interested in fostering positive social change. Addressing the identified areas for improvement would further enhance the paper's impact and relevance.