For the Good of All, NOW! Official Launch - Experience the Shift

Thursday June 1 from 6-8p EDT

For the Good of All, NOW!

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Join us for this introduction to a unique joint venture to co-create the future we want to see in the world for the good of all.

Are you noticing that there is a deep need and yearning for connection and community arising in our world today?

Are you feeling the call to lead and co-create collaborative communities where people feel like they belong and can contribute with their gifts and talents to make an impact?

David Currie, the author of For the Good of All, NOW! and Richard Schultz, of ElevateWork, are offering a unique opportunity to engage in change-making for the good of all, that will propel you, we, and us on a path to unlock our true collective potential, authentic power and inner wisdom to create extraordinary, high impact lives and the capacity to thrive with change!

This 2-hour introduction will provide a meaningful experience of interconnection and community building followed by a debrief and an offer for a deeper, more intensive dive for those interested in participating in the co-creation of a unique coherent movement for change that welcomes newcomers and veteran participants seeking a common pathway to accelerate humanity's capacity for adaptation in an era of paradigm change from the bottom up.

You will be introduced and encouraged to interconnect purposefully and effectively in a rapidly growing movement, which recognizes the scope of this major shift. And, in the shelter of each other, you will be prepared to guide and light the way for others.

Watch the trailer for this experience!

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