What if there were a common strategy that could be adopted and replicated by everyone, every group, every organization, every movement, everywhere, that embraced the change we want to see in the world? Can we reasonably expect that humanity can achieve a species level change without changing humans? Can we reasonably expect to achieve wholeness using strategies of dis-connection? Can we take cooperation to a new level?
The evolutionary strategy presented in For the Good of All, NOW! and summarized graphically below, is based on achieving a new level of human consciousness needed to reimagine and manifest the interconnectedness of our universe — the holistic nature of everything. The consciousness of wholeness — the state of oneness that connects the tiniest cells on earth to the stardust of the Big Bang — requires a shift in our understanding of how we interrelate as a species for the good of the whole.
If you long for meaningful belonging and you want to co-create next-stage community, consider joining Richard Schultz and David Currie as they explore the possibilities in "Cohering Community", an experiential learning lab related to Steps 1 & 2 of the Four Turns.
Learn more and register for a free introduction to Cohering Community here.
Click here for a short video clip about For the Good of All, NOW!
Next Dates for the Introduction to Cohering Community space is limited: July 28 at 10:30am EDT; August 8 at 7:30pm EDT
Join us on the Prosocial Commons platform or directly at For the Good of All, NOW!
Contact David Currie at https://forthegoodofallnow.org – or [email protected]
Contact Richard Schultz at: Wisdom Ways